100 Acre Personality Quiz

24 April 2007


Dani didn't make it to Conference which I find amazing. She was always giving it her all and she was the most improved runner out there. Dani gave it more heart than a lot of those kids. I was sitting in the living room when I get a text message that says "I guess my best wasn't good enough. I didn't make it." At first I thought she was playing with me like the time we told Nana that Dani didn't get her braces off when in reality she had. I texted her back and told her that I was proud of her and loved her no matter what because she always went out and did 100% of her best. She wrote back with "Tennis I will be better, I promise." So what this 'coach' has done is squish the self-esteem of my child making her think that she isn't any good.

What would have been the harm in having all the kids dress out and go to Conference?

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