100 Acre Personality Quiz

22 May 2007

Too Little, Too Late

So I was at the STaR Gala yesterday, the third one that day to be exact, when I get told by Derek that Rose Mary was looking for me. I found that interesting since at the end of the second Gala I shared with my friend Kathi that she had forgotten my anniversary.

I go to my Console and there she is with Patty and my balloon. They throw pixie dust at me and I kid you not, this is what she said: "Congratulations, sorry I missed it yesterday. Happy Anniversary." Now read that completely deadpan and flat... that is how she said it.

I just wanted my Steamboat Willie pin and now I have it. Rose Mary popped by later to ask me out to supper the next day (meaning today) so I accepted but let's be honest. I don't want to go... my Leader is too high maintenance for me. I'll go but it will be two hours of my life that I will never get back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is that 'Breakfast Club' etc T-shirt site you requested. http://www.cafepress.com/buy/brat+pack/-/pg_2/go_0