100 Acre Personality Quiz

24 August 2007

The "new" IMD community

I get this email (yes, I read my work email on my days off) and it said that there will be something going on to revamp the teams since there will not be a third IMD leader. I took the initiative and created the teams and schedules of leaders. I sent this to my leader and to the DRC director/manager (I don't know his official title).

My leader hasn't seen it yet but the big guy has so we'll see what happens. I separated the teams by those who work in the beginning of the week to those who work at the end of the week. Each team is 25 members plus one leader. Both leaders would work 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. so that won't be a sticking point if it is picked up. The sticking point with my fellow IMD leader is going to be who is on what team.

When IMD was divided the first time, this particular leader took all the stellar agents. She wins contests in spite of herself because she does not spend any time doing Side by Sides, 1:1, or any coaching what so ever. Those of us who had the lesser agents had to do our jobs at a higher level. I managed to move my team from 67% conversion rate and pulled them up to 115%!! We still have challenges winning contests but I think this speaks volumes, especially when the celebrated winner of all challenges is still at 89%.

I am also hoping to not be in this community for much longer so it doesn't matter to me but I wanted the next person in my spot to have a fair shake. Basically, I'm tired of those who don't actually do their job to always win. If you can still win when the stakes are even, perhaps you are doing your job. If you don't then the truth will be known. Plus, with me taking the initiative to get it done, it will prove my dedication.

I need to go and wash my face. Being a brown nose sucks but sometimes, it's all appearances.

23 August 2007

Strangeness Update

So here is a bit of the back story that I found out this week. I will do my best to make it as clear as possible but you have to remember, it still isn't that clear to me...

I found out why the one leader asked me if I was called over my vacation. Apparently, or perhaps I should say supposedly, the Leader of Leaders for the Worldphiles went to my Leader of Leaders and told her that she wanted me to join her team (to back fill the MLOA leader and then to take on a New Hire team). Supposedly my leader put up a bit of a stink (the Worldphiles do not like my leader so I am not sure how accurate this part truly is) but after some "leg work" it appears that my leader gave in and started to work with her. Then HR said the position had to be posted. I said that I was flattered but we'll see what happens. You will learn that as a Cast Member, you never think you have anything because "things are always subject to change at Disney".

Fast forward to Tuesday. The LOLs took all of us FLLs (that is Leaders of Leaders and Front Line Leaders for those non-Disney folk) to supper at Maggiano's, a nice upscale Italian restaurant. I had to ride with my LOL and I asked her if she could tell me now why she was so happy about my posting for the position. She said that she had been working with the Worldphile LOL to get me over there since she knew I would be happier there and really excel. I was thinking that this was interesting and told her that I appreciated it and she was right since I was getting bored in Dining and really wanted to get on to something new.

Fast forward again to Wednesday. A different Worldphile leader asked me if I had posted (keep in mind that there are three Worldphile leaders and one new one along with one out on MLOA) for the position. I laughed and said that I had never had so much interest in my career path before. She asked again and I told her yes. She said that was great and wondered if I knew what was going on behind the scenes. I reiterated what my leader told me the night before to which this fine proper woman said was "complete bullshit" and that floored me! She said the same thing the first leader had told me about mine being a poop over it and so on. I said that I didn't care who wanted to be my hero as long as I got to go home (remember, I was a Worldphile agent in my previous life).

This past Monday, I popped in on my leader after a long day of casting for a chat since she had been out all day. She told me that one leader on our team got a new position and that she and the Worldphile LOL would be conducting the interviews. I am not sure why she just blurted all this out but hey, I took it and ran with it.

Now for what happened last night. I asked the final Worldphile leader a question regarding the MIA, I mean MLOA, leader and how she was doing. She said that no one had heard from her but she and the rest of the team were rooting for me. She went on to say how I will be a perfect fit for the team since I love New Hires, she likes the ones who have been here for about a year and have learned some bad habits and the other leaders like them seasoned. I expressed my tiny concern about interviewing with people who already know my entire career accomplishments and how to present it so that they would be awed and amazed (can you tell that I really want this spot?). She gave me some great insight and said that I really had nothing to worry about because her leader always gets what she wants and they all want me!

Now here is where I sit, metaphorically speaking. I know nothing more than I really did a week and a half ago except that the position would start on October 1, the first day of our new fiscal year. I know of some of the floor agents who posted for it but I really think that I don't have much to worry about there since I am already a leader and I have the added bonus of knowing the other people's history. I can barely sleep for running interview scenarios in my head and keep thinking that there has to be something I can do to slam dunk this thing and call it done.

To put it in perspective... it's like riding the Tower of Terror. You are sitting there enjoying the ride through the 'stars' and then all of a sudden the window opens and you are anticipating the fall but just hasn't happened yet... you're just waiting, suspended on the edge.

15 August 2007

Mystery Solved... Somewhat

So the Leaders of Leaders hosted a dinner last night at Maggiano's for the Front Line Leaders. It was really wonderful and a good time was had by all. That isn't the point of this post though. I had to ride with my leader to the event. Just the two of us in her Lexus (yeah... ) so I took the opportunity after a bit of small talk to ask her about why she was so excited the other day about my posting for the position. I found out (as I knew I would since she loves to tell secrets and sound like the hero) that she had been talking to the LOL for Worldphiles and was trying to get me over there since that is what I really want to do and they need more leaders. Granted, the story I heard prior was a bit tainted and so it makes it difficult to see who is the real hero but either way ~ I win!

I'll let you know how it all turns out in the end.

14 August 2007

Strangeness at DRC... at Least for Me!

So I go back to work on Sunday after a 10 day vacation, photographic evidence below, and things are just a bit odd. Let me give you some highlights, since that is all I have, and you let me know what you think... I am living my work-life via highlights... strangeness indeed.

  1. Return from vacation and do normal catch-up activities when fellow leader and friend asks if I was contacted by my leader whilst on my vacation. I say no, why ~ is there something wrong. Friend says "then I can't tell you anything." and walks away.
  2. Rumblings through DRC that one of the Worldphile leaders will not be returning since her MLOA was extended yet again.
  3. More rumblings that there will be a need for an SEL and 2 more FT CTIS FFL in Tampa. Posting hit the HUB on Sunday night.
  4. Monday, my leader wanted to make sure that I posted for the Full Time CTIS Leader position that was on the HUB. I told her I did, even sent her an email on Sunday telling her I had, and she smiled and clapped her hands.
  5. Returned later to inquire as to why she was so excited that I posted for the position, she said that she has been doing sneaky things, in a good way, and she couldn't tell me what she was doing. I was to trust her that it was good and be patient.
This has been my past two days back from vacation. I have no idea what direction my career is going but apparently, it's being taken care of and I should just sit back and deal with it. I guess I'll keep my arms and legs inside the vehicle while the ride is in motion and we are clear to go. BEEP BEEP!!

11 August 2007

My view of things around the World...

I may not be a photographer by trade but in my head... I'm fabulous. This is my World, welcome to it.