100 Acre Personality Quiz

13 November 2006


I have a Google alert set up for daily doses of Disney posts. Tonight, as I was going through the preview posting, I came across this one. Naturally intrigued about my idol, I hit the link and ventured forth to read... well... swill!! This is complete garbage and massively untrue!! Please, do me and all of us who uphold Disney Tradition and Excellence, do not put money in this man's pockets because his story is completely unfounded and untrue. Thanks United Press International for the heads up on Mr. Gabler's future filth ~

Walt Disney focus of new biography

BURBANK, Calif., Nov. 12 (UPI) -- A new biography about Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey Mouse, is set to offer readers an insight into the iconic U.S. cartoon animator.

Within the more than 800 pages in "Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination" by Neal Gabler, Newsweek says that the biographer details Disney's tumultuous relationships with his employees and wife, while also disproving several rumors about the creator of Disneyland.

The biography reportedly tells the tale of a man who created Mickey Mouse as a symbol of his defiant individuality, yet found himself disinterested in his carton creation after it was mellowed for mass production.

According to "Triumph," despite having fallen into a depression over the corruption of his creations, Disney never stopped trying to offer the best product to his fans.
"We're making corn," he is quoted in the book as saying to an employee. "Let's make it the best we possibly can. We're trying to please people."

Such shocking revelations are nothing new to Gabler, who previously offered intriguing ideas in his best-selling work "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood," said Newsweek.

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